Friday, September 17, 2004

Bondi 8am, shoulder high on sets, bit messy
Downtown Bondage again put on some small waves for us to enjoy this morning. I’m not torkin’ going off, but there’s fun to be had. Wave height is around shoulder high on sets and the surface quality was a little bumpy, nonetheless worthy of a paddle in da south end. A sucky left bank was producing a few even on the fattie-high-tide (high 09:50 Low 15:59) My guess is that is will improve up to lunch before a NE wind of 10/15 knots hits it. Sun is shining and it feels like summer. Have to say, we live in a sensational part of the world. Me thinks tomorrow will be similar, if not slightly smaller in the morning before a swell increase in the arvo. Sunday looking "real noice" early. Enuf already…seeya

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