Bondi 7am – big sets, hard work
I watched 6 guys paddle out @ Bondi, 1 by 1 they came in after catching 1 wave. Hard work against this big swell and large volumes of moving water. Some of the biggest sets had 10 – 12 foot faces…There would be a few good waves in one of Sydney ‘s nooks and crannies. Just have to hunt around. I would recommend something that isn’t fully exposed to the south, something more in control than Bondi. High tide 07:20 Low tide 13:07, Wind: W/SW 8/13 knots. (offshore!). Tomorrow looks good…
Great day, sun is shining…yeha!
Scored some great waves on Saturday somewhere out of town. Sorry. not disclosing where as these breaks are uncrowded, and I want them to stay that way. View Pictures
Have a great day.