Bondi 7am knee/waist high, wind chop, junkie
Forget-about-it. The NE winds have picked up overnight creating a local wind swell not really worthy of a paddle. Looked more like waist high wind chop to me…the interval between swells is very short and the insistent onshores ain’t doing it any favours. Small crew out at North Bondi playing around…I suggest taking the mal out if you’re really keen. ‘Keen’ being the most important word in that sentence. Regardless of surf conditions it’s a great sunny day. Wind is gonna howl this arvo. Wind: N’ly 20/30 knots turning N/NW in the afternoon, 15/20 knots inshore, 20/30 knots offshore.
Now here’s an important event down at Bondi – MISS UNIVERSE, Jennifer Hawkins will be down North Bondi on the 12th September Sunday from 11am to 11:30am. Swimmer cam? Moowhawhaha.
Don’t forget Sitesea photographic exhibition is back on this year. If you’ve got some great images relating to the ocean, best you enter. Downloads entry forms from the website.
Oh yeah…one more thing, another Wonderland party is happening on the long weekend, Sunday 3 rd October Starts at 8am to 3am. Venue – Hakoah Club, 61 Hall St , Bondi. Limited tickets available @ $30 each from Electric Monkey, Gould Street Bondi. Call 9365 6955