Bondi 7:30am – head high (+) but messy, onshore
Hello. 1st day of spring aiii. There be a swell increase last night which is the good news. But the SE onshore winds have decided to come with it. Bondage was looking mighty junky and fat at 7:30am, but I would check the low(ish) tides for better waves. High tide 9:40am, Low tide 15:38. Wind: S/SE 10/15 knots. Tomorrow looks much bigger, but I think the wind will make a mess of things.
Brad Valenti Memorial surf comp is on this Saturday. Fortunately there’s some surf coming, so it is DEFINITELY ON this time. Yeha! 8am, on the hill or email Ben Davies.
Aquabumps crew are all over the globe.
"Just want ya to know that it is great getting the emails here in Rio de Janeiro, makes me miss Sydney all the time. But there are enough things here to keep me occupied…." Robbie in Rio
"I left Sydney a few months ago to return to the homeland in Auckland . It’s freezing and I miss Bondi and Aquabumps. I re-subscribed my new email when I first arrived, but only received your report for a week and then it stopped coming. I just subscribed again, so hopefully all will be good. If it’s my IT ‘firewall’ in my new job, I’ll have to quit." Scott in Auckland