Hi Everyone, If you don’t already know, I’m overseas until the 7th July, 2004 so AQUABUMPS IS�ON HOLIDAYS�until then (yeah we need a break too!) Please subscribe to my daily emails in the meantime (enter email address in the top right hand corner submit box) or�if you’re already on my list, hope you can cope […]

::Monday, 15 March 2004
Bondi 6:45am – knee to waist high, clean, clear skies, small You’re probably tired of me writing about our sensational Sydney winter weather, but hey, its pretty damn good. The south swell is small and managing to dribble knee to waist high waves in Bondage this morning. A super shallow bank in the southern corner […]

::Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Bondi 9am – mainly waist high, super cleanAloha! I’m here…been away for a few days (hence lack of reports). Just got off a plane and checked out what was going on down Bondi – surf wise, its pretty small (waist, shoulder high on biggest sets), super clean and mostly closing out with the odd one […]

::Thursday, June 03, 2004
Bondi 9:50am – near flat, like a lake A sad day…Deepest deepest sympathies go to Don Norris (Realsurf.com) and his family for losing their 12 year old boy, Jack, on Monday night. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Don. Less important matters – the Surf – there is none to report. Mega glassy though […]

::Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Bondi 6:30am – waist high, large gaps – mal waves Perfectly still morning, light cloud cover and a really small south swell struggling to produce anything bigger than waist high wave at Bondi. Yep it’s surfable, and there were quite a few crew out sniffing the odd wave, but you’d need to be on a […]