::Tuesday, 4 May 2004

Bondi 7am – sunny, chest to head high,

Yesterday was incredible. Tiny waves in the morning (6:30am), and by 10am
it jumped up well over the head high mark (plus). It peaked yesterday
arvo with some decent chunks.

Now this south swell has dropped over night producing
chest to head high waves at Bondi. Fun waves to be had, but the large
pre-work crowd causing a bit of chaos out there.

The offshore winds have backed off and the sun is
shining. Surface quality is great and you can still wear your springy.
Howling westerlies of 15/25 knots are predicted for this afternoon, let’s
hope it doesn’t blow this little swell out to sea.

Tomorrow we are expecting some more swell, looks quite
decent at south facing beaches (expect well over head high). Yeha! This
week looks great for surfing. High tide 07:29 Low tide 13:30 high tide
19:52 Maximum temperature of 24 degrees in Sydney today.

Marcus needs your old wetties:
I have a lame whippet (dog). The result of damage to a nerve in his front
wrist joint. He still runs beautifully, why we did not remove the leg.
Trouble is he walks or hobbles on the outside of his foot, which needs
constant protection when we go out. I use the reinforced knees out of
old wetsuits, which are cut and tied with velcro my local boot maker stitches
up for me. Before discarding your old wettie, when upgrading, drop me
a line and I’ll pick it up. Prefer the eastern suburbs if possible. marcushale@dodo.com.au

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