Bondi 6:50am – small waist to chest
high, okish
Wouldn’t it be great to be a grommet again? Then every day is over head
high for ya. For those that email in asking what a grommet is, it’s
basically a young surfer – you’ll see them frothin’ around catching everything
that moves and weigh around 40 kilos. Sometimes you don’t grow out of
this phase and become a man grommet. (e.g. Beo + Page girls).
Today conditions have improved on yesterday, producing clean
small surf, however it looked a little weak for my liking. At 6:50am there
wasn’t much wind and the conditions were smooth. South Bondi had a little
peak with only a few on it (freaky). Weather has improved too (max 24)
and offshore winds predicted all day. Swell has swung around to the ESE,
so Bondi is probably not getting the best of it, other beaches facing
east will be bigger. High tide 17:04 Low tide 10:49 Water temp around
21 degrees. Expect ESE swell this weekend producing chest high to head
high waves, slightly bigger on Sunday. Good offshore winds this weekend.
Don’t mean to freak anyone out, but the word on the street
is that a 6 foot shark was caught in the shark nets off
Bondi last week. I’d be keen to know if this is true or not.
Sorry, the link to the biggest wave ridden
didn’t work yesterday. Here it is again: