::Friday, 30 April 2004
Bondi 6:50am – small waist to chest high, okish Wouldn’t it be great to be a grommet again? Then every day is over head high for ya. For those that email in asking what a grommet is, it’s basically a young surfer – you’ll see them frothin’ around catching everything that moves and weigh around […]

::Thursday, 29 April 2004
Bondi 7am – knee to waist high, weak and messy Hi there…bit of a dull morning down at Bondi with overcast skies and tiny, weak waves. About 6 guys out grovelling, but I think give it a miss and do something else. Not much push in this South swell. The wind is variable at the […]

::Tuesday, 27 April 2004
Curl Curl 8am, waist high waves, small + crowded The bumps took a trip up to Curl Curl to find small waist high waves breaking on a shallow bank up towards the north end. The odd wave had a rideable face, many closing out. Curly normally is a south swell magnet, but today it was […]

::Tuesday, 20 April 2004
Bondi 6:30am – head high, large crowd, couple of pits I like what I saw this morning. Bondi was a bit hit and miss, but there were definitely some good waves rolling through if you were patient. Decided to shoot in the water and got sucked around by a strong rip for most of the […]

::Monday, 19 April 2004
Bondi 7am – head high, consistent and funHola! Good start to a new week with head high clean fun waves this morning. The swell is from the south and is a little weak. Head to any beach facing south and you’ll find a few today. You’d best get out there before the (standard) E/NE onshores […]

::Friday, 16 April 2004
7am Bondi – weak waist high, very crowded In a bit of a rush this morning, so it’s a quickie…Surf has dropped off overnight and we’re left with weak waist high waves (boo). Bondage had a huge crowd out for the early (7am), mostly on Mals. You’ll struggle on a short board. Best give it […]

::Thursday, 15 April 2004
Another cracker morning with good conditions. The wind is gently blowing offshore (NW) and we have decent small waves around chest to head high range. It’s a clean SE south that seems quite consistent. Water is a balmy 23 degrees – all this combined and you’ve got a large early morning crowd, boards flying everywhere, […]

::Wednesday, 14 April 2004
What a great morning. There was barely any wind and the swell has stuck around. Bondi has waves around waist to head high with quite a large crew out for the early. Water is still warm around 23 degrees. Wind will pick up this afternoon and blow NE 10/15 knots, so this morning was probably […]

::Tuesday, 13 April 2004
Bondi 7:30am Well over head high but messy We’ve got some swell hanging around producing well over head high waves this morning. 10-15 knots of onshore S/SE was making the water surface a lil’ bumpy. The lack of Bondage sand banks wasn’t doing this swell any favours – most waves I saw were closing out […]

::Thursday, 8 April 2004
Hola! Still over here in Western Australia, 4,100kms from Bondi. Thought we’d check out the wave action at Perth’s Bondi equivalent – Cottesloe. It was flat like a lake. A 6 inch shorebreak is all I could find. No wind and perfectly sunny. Man grommies would go mental over here…you’ve got to travel to find […]

::Wednesday, 7 April 2004
ROTTO – 2ft – 4ft, loads of fun! Not sure what is happening down at Bondi because I found somewhere better to surf today – Rotto (hence mega late report). Perth, Western Australia isn’t famous for it waves locally, but 20 kilometres off the coast of Perth is Rottnest Island which has great waves. A […]

::Monday, 5 April 2004
Bondi 6am – 8am Junky 3ft Well it’s no oil painting down at Bondi this morning. Overcast skies so thick that I could barely shoot a photo. Persistent rain and messy 3 – 4 footers. Water quality would be a bit average with the recent rainfall; if you’re heading out for a wave, best keep […]

::Thursday, 1 April 2004
Bondi 6:30am HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! The above shots not really Bondi, so don’t all race don’t the beach. It was shot at Hollow Trees in Indo from my last Sept trip. Bondi was similar (ahem…maybe not…) with a few small ones this morning in the southern end on a sucky bank. It was a bit […]