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Typical Monday's are not busy, was quite crammed this morning Buy
Ah, Mondays 10.03.2025

Ah, Monday. The start of a new week. Alfie’s remnants are making for dark skies, Northerly breezes, and a small limping 2-footer at Bondi. It will be much more significant at beaches oriented to Alfred’s swell machine – anything facing east or north (Bondi faces south).

Today and tomorrow should be cloudy with patchy, odd showers. From Wednesday onwards, it looks sunny and beach-worthy. This Sunday is going to be HOT, with 34 degrees.

If you’re up north, I hope you’re all okay after the intense weather over the weekend. And hopefully, the power will back up so you can read Aquabumps!

Have another coffee.

See you in the lineup.

:: uge

Hungry pack out the back, BondiBuy
They're coming back, don't worryBuy
Battle of the Chris'sBuy
Pity it's in the flagsBuy
Jetty emerging from the crowdBuy
Ramp DosBuy
Great for longboarding todayBuy
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Equinox Reset Meditation

We will use the energetic marker of the Equinox to rejuvenate, elevate, and inspire your entire well-being. Experience a beautiful, deep journey of rejuvenating breathwork, revitalizing movement, uplifting and elevating meditation with sacred sound and mantra to align your soul, igniting the fire within for the new season. Thursday, March 20th. 6:30-8:30pm. ​

Phone: 0421133173
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Learn info & tickets: click link below

Phone: 0415499583
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