Carlie Thornton fading the boys into the foam


Gonna be a stinkin’ hot day – fat and salubrious thirty-five. Doesn’t get any better than this. Sensational morning down the beach, don’t be fooled by this hot weather- the water is still a chilly 16 degrees. Tomorrow is much cooler day (25) after a dramatic south change later – soak it up, wag work.

Two words to describe the waves – Small + crowded. 1-2 foot in the south end on a decent bank. Swell is now coming from the NE and tomorrow is going to be smaller. Pack the mals’n’ fishes if you’re heading out of town for the weekend, it’s going to be tiny.

Australia’s biggest yoga class was held down at Bondi this morning. 800 people turned up. Summer health kick is now in overdrive.

Have a great long weekend. The Aquabumps Gallery is open 10am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday (Not Monday). If you’re heading to the beach, go north walk up the stairs from the beach and bingo. ::uge

Jono raking off the bottom on a small one


Harries from Bondi Rescue

Team wave

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